Denitsa Kazakova
Jean-Christophe Ducret
Eric Gaudibert
Mayn Kind, mayn Treyst

for violin and guitar

Two books are at the origin of this composition, two accounts of Polish Jewish girls who lived tragic times of the deportation: "I did not cry" by Ida Grinspan (Laffont, Paris 2002) and "Memory of a childhood stolen" by Annette Zaidman (Ramsey, Paris 2002). At the end of this last book yiddish melodies have been transcribed. I desired to impregnate myself with this music; that is why I based my composition on two commonly known songs in Yiddish: A brivele der mamen, which appears episodically in the guitar part and Belz, which is clearly quoted in the violin part. The title of the composition is a quotation of the beginning of the first song « Mayn khid, mayn treyst, du forst avek » (mein Kind, mein Trost, du fahrst weg / my child, my comport, you're going away).
This piece is dedicated to Denitsa Kazakova and Jean-Christophe Ducret of Duo Nova.
Eric Gaudibert